Our Services

Our Goals Values and Beliefs:
Committed to Quality Care’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is a licensed social worker with over 20 years of experience. This expertise includes coordinating early intervention services to children and families and extends over two decades.  The agency's CEO has a passion for serving, advocating and enhancing the needs of individuals and families. Her experience and passion are the foundation of Committed to Quality Care.  The Leadership team is equally dynamic. The agency Administrator and Chief Operating Officer has over two decades of serving as a foster and adoptive parent and has a vast knowledge of understand the unique challenges associated with parenting a special needs child.  CTQC's management team exemplifies  vast organizational management expertise, coordinating individualized goal planning and activities specific to client needs. The goals of Committed to Quality Care include providing the highest quality level of services to our clients while also empowering individuals to improve skills and knowledge to help them to be able to live their lives to the fullest. Our company values include honesty, dedication, respect, and service.
We are committed to quality; we are committed to exceptional care.

SELF DETERMINATION. We believe that individuals and their families should be the primary decision makers in the management of their lives, pursue what is important to them and have a meaningful role in the community. This includes ensuring that each individual being served has a voice in having control over the set amount of funding used to obtain the support they need, have support to organize resources in ways that are life-enhancing, and have a circle of supports made up of family, friends, in both paid and natural supports. We also believe that individuals should be recognized for whom they are and what they can contribute, having a leadership role in developing policies that affect their lives and helping others reach success. 

PERSON-CENTEREDNESS. We promote the belief that people with developmental disabilities are people first. Committed To Quality Care focuses on ABILITY.  We have adopted a person-centered planning process to discover what is truly important to and about an individual and what talents and skills that individual possesses. This ongoing process is values-based and focuses on a positive vision for the future of the person based on his/her strengths, preferences and capacities for acquiring new skills and abilities. We also believe that service coordination is the accepted format for the provision of needed support and services.  Our team approach builds upon strengths to promote wellness and well-being. 

  The Foundation of a team is its Strength

       Autism and       Sensory Needs

     Engagement and Enrichment